#include <CUI_Frame.h>
Inheritance diagram for CUI_Frame:
Public Types | |
typedef bool(* | callbackfunc )(int id, int numparam, void *param) |
callback function type | |
enum | animation_t { UI_NONE, UI_FADELINE, UI_FADESIN } |
supported types of animation | |
Public Member Functions | |
CUI_Frame (CUI_UI *ui=NULL, float x=0, float y=0, float x2=1, float y2=1, CUI_Frame *parent=NULL, IUI_Shader *shader=NULL, IUI_Shader *cursor=NULL, CUI_CoordSys *coordsys=NULL) | |
constructor | |
virtual | ~CUI_Frame () |
destructor | |
virtual bool | SetUI (CUI_UI *ui) |
Set the UI that this frame exists in. | |
virtual bool | AddChild (CUI_Frame *frame, bool back=false) |
add a child to this frame | |
virtual bool | DeleteChild (CUI_Frame *frame) |
delete a child from this frame | |
virtual bool | SetParent (CUI_Frame *frame) |
set the parent for this frame | |
virtual CUI_Frame * | GetParent (void) |
get the parent for this frame | |
virtual bool | SetCursor (IUI_Shader *cursor) |
set cursor for this frame | |
virtual bool | SetShader (IUI_Shader *shader) |
set shader for this frame | |
virtual bool | SetCoordSys (CUI_CoordSys *coordsys) |
set coordinate system for this frame | |
virtual CUI_CoordSys * | GetCoordSys (void) |
get coordinate system for this frame | |
virtual bool | SetBorder (IUI_Border *border) |
set the border (frames don't have borders) | |
virtual IUI_Border * | GetBorder (void) |
get the border (frames don't have borders) | |
virtual bool | SetFont (IUI_Font *font) |
set the font (frames don't have fonts) | |
virtual IUI_Font * | GetFont (void) |
get the font (frames don't have fonts) | |
virtual bool | Move (float x, float y, float x2, float y2) |
set the position and size of this frame (in its parent's coordinate system) | |
virtual bool | Move (float x, float y) |
Move the frame, but don't resize it. | |
virtual void | GetRect (v4_f rect) |
get the current position and size | |
virtual bool | Convert (float &x, float &y) |
convert a coordinate into this coordinate system | |
virtual bool | ConvertFromGlobal (float &x, float &y) |
convert a coordinate from global to local coordinates | |
virtual bool | Save (char *filename) |
Save this frame to a new file. | |
virtual bool | Save (FILE *file) |
Save this frame to an already opened file. | |
virtual bool | SetToRange (IUI_Renderer *renderer) |
set view area if coordinate system requires it | |
virtual bool | Render (double dtime, IUI_Renderer *renderer) |
render this frame in the current viewport | |
virtual bool | RenderStart (double dtime, IUI_Renderer *renderer) |
begin rendering | |
virtual bool | RenderBackground (double dtime, IUI_Renderer *renderer) |
render background quad | |
virtual bool | RenderChildren (double dtime, IUI_Renderer *renderer) |
render children - should be the last render call made | |
virtual bool | Animate (double dtime, IUI_Renderer *renderer) |
Do any necessary animation before rendering. | |
virtual CUI_Frame * | TestHit (float x, float y) |
test if the given point is within this frame | |
virtual bool | BringToFront (void) |
move this frame to the front of its parent's list | |
virtual IUI_Shader * | GetShader (void) |
Get the shader for this frame. | |
virtual IUI_Shader * | GetCursor (void) |
Get the most specific cursor for this frame. | |
virtual bool | SetFrameID (unsigned long id) |
set this frame's ID | |
virtual unsigned long | GetFrameID (void) |
get this frame's ID | |
virtual bool | SetFlag (unsigned long flag, bool set) |
generic flag handling | |
virtual bool | GetFlag (unsigned long flag) |
generic flag handling | |
virtual bool | Activate (bool active=true) |
activate/deactivate this frame | |
virtual bool | Enable (bool enable=true) |
enable/disable this frame | |
virtual bool | AddClickableToList (void *voidlist) |
add frames with a certain flag(s) to a list | |
virtual bool | IsClickable () |
is this frame clickable | |
virtual bool | Click (int &id, int &numparam, void **param) |
Call this function when clicked on. | |
virtual bool | IsDraggable () |
is this frame draggable | |
virtual bool | Drag (float x, float y, float dx, float dy, int &id, int &numparam, void **param) |
Update the cursor's position as this is being dragged (in global space). | |
virtual void | DeleteParam (void *param) |
Delete a parameter allocated by this frame. | |
virtual bool | ProcessKey (unsigned long key) |
Process an incoming key. | |
virtual bool | SetFrameCallback (callbackfunc func) |
set callback function | |
virtual bool | CallbackFunc (int id, int numparam, void *param) |
Wrapper to m_callbackFunc to check for NULL and present a simple interface. | |
virtual bool | IsControl () |
is this frame a control? | |
virtual bool | SetText (const char *text) |
Set Text - frames have no text, but needs to be here as virtual. | |
virtual bool | SetToolTipText (char *text) |
Set text to display as a tooltip. | |
virtual bool | SetToolTipFrame (CUI_Frame *frame) |
Set the frame to display as a tooltip. | |
virtual CUI_Frame * | GetToolTipFrame () |
Get a pointer to the frame to use as a tooltip. | |
virtual char * | GetToolTipText () |
Get the tooltip text. | |
virtual bool | ResetCounter (bool count) |
Reset the animation counter. | |
virtual double | GetCounter () |
Get the value of the animation counter. | |
virtual bool | SetAnimation (animation_t anim) |
Set Animation type. | |
virtual animation_t | GetAnimation () |
get the animation counter | |
virtual void | SetOwnedByUI () |
Set this frame as owned by the UI. | |
virtual bool | IsOwnedByUI () |
Is this frame owned by the UI. | |
Protected Attributes | |
CUI_UI * | m_ui |
pointer to the ui that owns this frame | |
unsigned long | m_frameID |
this frame's ID - the app should define this! | |
callbackfunc | m_callbackFunc |
callback function | |
IUI_Shader * | m_cursor |
the cursor for this frame (NULL means the default) | |
IUI_Shader * | m_shader |
the shader for this frame (NULL means the default) | |
CUI_CoordSys * | m_coordsys |
the coordinate system for this frame (NULL means the default) | |
CUI_Frame * | m_parent |
this frame's parent | |
std::list< CUI_Frame * > | m_frames |
list of children. | |
float | m_x |
minimum X for bounding box of this frame | |
float | m_y |
minimum Y for bounding box of this frame | |
float | m_x2 |
maximum X for bounding box of this frame | |
float | m_y2 |
maximum Y for bounding box of this frame | |
unsigned int | m_flags |
generic flags | |
char * | m_toolTipText |
Text to display as a tooltip. | |
CUI_Frame * | m_toolTipFrame |
Frame to display as a tooltip. | |
double | m_counter |
Animation counter (counts in ms). | |
bool | m_count |
Enable/disable animation counter. | |
animation_t | m_animation |
what kind of animation should it be doing? | |
float | m_oldFade |
previous fade value | |
bool | m_ownedByUI |
True if created by the UI - used for memory management. |
Frames are always rectangles, they can not have a complex border.
Frames by themselves can be used as containers for other elements, or as a way to display an image or icon.
Recognized flags:
add a child to this frame
Reimplemented in CUI_ScrollableFrame. |
Do any necessary animation before rendering. Can be overloaded in a new class for fancier animation. |
Wrapper to m_callbackFunc to check for NULL and present a simple interface.
Reimplemented in CUI_ComboBox, CUI_Console, CUI_ListBox, CUI_Menu, CUI_MessageBox, CUI_RadioGroup, CUI_ScrollableFrame, CUI_ScrollableTextBox, and CUI_TextField. |
Call this function when clicked on. Default, doesn't care Reimplemented in CUI_Button, CUI_DraggableFrame, CUI_DraggableViewFrame, CUI_EditableTextBox, CUI_MultipleStateButton, and CUI_SliderBar. |
convert a coordinate into this coordinate system
convert a coordinate from global to local coordinates
delete a child from this frame
Reimplemented in CUI_Control. |
Delete a parameter allocated by this frame. All frames that can return parameters MUST implement this function Reimplemented in CUI_Button, CUI_DraggableFrame, CUI_DraggableViewFrame, CUI_EditableTextBox, CUI_MultipleStateButton, and CUI_SliderBar. |
Update the cursor's position as this is being dragged (in global space). Default, doesn't care Reimplemented in CUI_DraggableFrame, CUI_DraggableViewFrame, CUI_EditableTextBox, CUI_ResizeButton, and CUI_SliderBar. |
get the current position and size
Get a pointer to the frame to use as a tooltip. Either comes from this frame's pointer, or this frame inserts its tooltip text into the ui's global tooltip frame. |
is this frame a control?
This is necessary for a few things: Reimplemented in CUI_Control. |
Move the frame, but don't resize it.
set the position and size of this frame (in its parent's coordinate system)
Process an incoming key.
Reimplemented in CUI_ComboBox, CUI_Console, CUI_DraggableViewFrame, CUI_EditableTextBox, CUI_ListBox, CUI_Menu, CUI_MessageBox, CUI_RadioGroup, CUI_ScrollableFrame, CUI_ScrollableTextBox, CUI_SliderBar, and CUI_TextField. |
Reset the animation counter.
set callback function This is the callback function for this particular frame. Depending on what the function returns, the global callback will or will not be called. |
Set this frame as owned by the UI. No code outside of the library should call this function. Doing so will definitely cause a crash when the registry is flushed. |
set the parent for this frame
set view area if coordinate system requires it Will tell the renderer to restrict rendering to that area |
test if the given point is within this frame
Reimplemented in CUI_Widget. |
callback function Designed primarily for internal UI usage. So Controls can handle more functionality without requiring a lot of extra code from the application. |
this frame's ID - the app should define this! If this is not set (value is zero), it is assumed that this is a static control and that the app does not care about getting callbacks from it. Therefore, the app should not use 0 as a valid frame ID. |