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IUI_Shader Class Reference

Interface for shaders. More...

#include <IUI_Shader.h>

Inheritance diagram for IUI_Shader:

CUI_SimpleShader List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Render (double time, IUI_Renderer *renderer)=0

Detailed Description

Interface for shaders.

This is an abstraction for all shader functions required by the UI.

Generic implementations will be done for OpenGL and (maybe) D3D. It is also designed so a renderer can be written for a pre-existing engine.

This class is not meant to be a complete renderer. It only implements what the UI needs and is not platform dependent. To that end, it should not deal with initializing the rendering system, swapping buffers, creating windows, etc.

TODO: display lists for static text?

Member Function Documentation

virtual void IUI_Shader::Render double  time,
IUI_Renderer renderer
[pure virtual]

Update the shaders motion (if any) called on SetShader, time is constant per frame setting texture and color has to be done by the shader via the supplied renderer

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon Sep 29 23:07:04 2003 for glGUI by doxygen 1.3.4