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CUI_ScrollableFrame Class Reference

A Scrollable Frame control. More...

#include <CUI_ScrollableFrame.h>

Inheritance diagram for CUI_ScrollableFrame:

CUI_Control CUI_Frame List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CUI_ScrollableFrame (CUI_UI *ui=NULL, float x=0, float y=0, float x2=1, float y2=1, CUI_Frame *parent=NULL, IUI_Shader *shader=NULL, IUI_Shader *cursor=NULL, CUI_CoordSys *coordsys=NULL, float width=1.0, float height=1.0, IUI_Shader *scrollShader=NULL, IUI_Shader *sliderShader=NULL)

virtual ~CUI_ScrollableFrame ()

virtual bool SetUI (CUI_UI *ui)
 Set UI - add the frame and scrollbars to the ui.

virtual bool ProcessKey (unsigned long key)
 Process a incoming key.

virtual bool CallbackFunc (int id, int numparam, void *param)
 Callback function to handle updating the selection.

virtual bool AddChild (CUI_Frame *frame, bool back=false)
 AddChild needs to be public.

virtual bool SetCoordSys (CUI_CoordSys *coordsys)
 set coordinate system for this frame

virtual bool SetScrollShader (IUI_Shader *shader)
 Set the scrollbar shader.

virtual bool SetSliderShader (IUI_Shader *shader)
 Set the actual slider's shader.

virtual bool SetViewArea (float width, float height)
 Set the view area width and height.

Protected Attributes

 shader for the scrollbar

 shader for the actual slider

 pointer to the frame

float m_viewWidth
 Width of the view area.

float m_viewHeight
 Height of the view area.

 pointer to the horizontal scrollbar

 pointer to the vertical scrollbar

Detailed Description

A Scrollable Frame control.

Combines a frame and scrollbars with the logic to connect them.

Recognized flags:


Member Function Documentation

virtual bool CUI_ScrollableFrame::AddChild CUI_Frame frame,
bool  back = false
[inline, virtual]

AddChild needs to be public.

public addchild adds to the internal frame

Reimplemented from CUI_Frame.

bool CUI_ScrollableFrame::CallbackFunc int  id,
int  numparam,
void *  param

Callback function to handle updating the selection.

true if the global callback does NOT need to be called

false if the global callback needs to be called

Reimplemented from CUI_Frame.

bool CUI_ScrollableFrame::SetCoordSys CUI_CoordSys coordsys  )  [virtual]

set coordinate system for this frame

update it to use our view area width/height

Reimplemented from CUI_Control.

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Generated on Mon Sep 29 23:07:04 2003 for glGUI by doxygen 1.3.4